Friday, November 13, 2009

Illegal Immigration Reform

Manuela Olivares shares her opinion on immigration and treatment of illegal immigrants in her latest opinion blog "Illegal Alien". I'm also Hispanic and my mother was an immigrant from Mexico but she followed U.S. laws and has had plenty success in becoming an abiding U.S. citizen and therefore I do not agree fully with Manuela's view on illegal immigrants mistreatment. Immigration reform is a must and I believe that amnesty for the existing illegal immigrants today is very plausible but it's no free ride. There will need to be a process that illegal immigrants must follow to earn their way as law abiding U.S. citizens. In turn, the U.S. government would need to have stricter policies regarding business practices and crack down on employers who hire undocumented workers. This also would be in the best interest of Hispanics through advancements in the workplace, both treatment and earning at least the minimum wages set by law. Just today, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano also says the U.S. is meeting requirements set in 2007 for passing immigration reform. The number of people caught illegally entering the country dropped by 23 percent in the past year, the Wall Street Journal reported this week, citing rising U.S. unemployment and tighter security as main factors for the drop in border arrests. The time is now for reform on immigration given if the economy rebounds soon, illegal immigration may soon pick up again to levels prior to 2007. Rather than deport illegal immigrants back to Mexico, Obama already supports the idea of offering citizenship to illegal immigrants in good standing. This along with continued strengthening of our border, will send immigrants a message that legal entry into the U.S. is obtainable but there is a process to be followed and in return, protection and the opportunity for a better life.