Friday, September 18, 2009

Employees to Bear the Brunt of Health Reform?

I read a recent survey of 430 human resource executives and found that one of my biggest gripes about the proposed healthcare reform may become to reality. Eighty-seven percent of employers said they were very likely to cut healthcare benefits if higher cost were a result of new healthcare reform. In today's economic times, profits have come down to single digits for many of the largest and desired employers. I have given 7 years of my dedication to the company and to know with a new healthcare reform, I can walk in one morning and be paying hundreds more for the same plan. How about those with many childern? Thirty-seven percent of employers would provide company-sponsored coverage that substantially exceeds the standard. But 29 percent said they would end company-sponsored health coverage and pay the assessment if the per-employee costs to the government were much lower than current costs. It's all about profits and to know that due to government allowing basic coverage to each individual for less may lead executives of corporations to rethink the level of healthcare they provide their employees. I see employees as the biggest assest to a corporation and hope that regardless of reform, corporations have the best interest of their workforce even at a 1-2pct profit cost.